Philadelphia Defective Product Attorney
There are plenty of product manufacturers in Philadelphia dedicated to ensuring that their products are safe for consumers. Unfortunately, however, not all product manufacturers have the consumer’s best interests in mind.
Sometimes, dangerous or defective products find their way into the homes of unsuspecting consumers who can sustain serious injuries. If a defective product caused you serious injury, speak with a Philadelphia Defective Product Attorney at Quinn Injury Lawyers to protect your legal rights and secure the compensation you deserve.
Don’t fight large corporations alone. Contact an experienced attorney if:
- You Sustain an Injury or Develop an Illness
When a consumer uses a dangerous or defective product, they may become sick after coming into contact with harmful or toxic chemical components. A lawnmower containing carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide emission levels higher than those allowed by law, for example, could cause a consumer to develop cancer as a result of prolonged exposure.
- You Notice Symptoms After Using the Product
Even if you do not feel ill immediately after using a product, monitor your well being whenever you begin using a new device. Some illnesses and injuries can have delayed symptoms that do not present themselves until days, weeks, or months after you initially use the product. For example, symptoms of prolonged exposure to carbon monoxide can include nausea, vomiting, and headaches.
- The Product Was Recalled
A manufacturer may choose to recall a dangerous or defective product if they become aware of its potential risks to customers. A recalled product, if defective, is a clear indication that the product has the potential to cause severe injury or illness. If you used a product that was later recalled, speak with an attorney.
- The Product Was Defective When The Company Sold It
When consumers buy products, they trust that the item on the shelf is safe to use. If the product becomes defective while in use because of poor quality or faulty components that were already present when the manufacturer sold it, the company may be liable for compensating the consumer for any injuries they incur as a result of using the product.
When Can You File an Injury Claim for Defective Products?
In Pennsylvania, strict legal guidelines must be followed when filing an injury claim against an unsafe product’s negligent manufacturer or seller. There are three different periods during which you may file your injury claim:
- Within 2 Years of the Date You Purchased or First Used the Product
You can file a claim for defective products within 2 years of purchasing the product or first starting using it. If you purchased the product when it was safe for use but later experienced injuries after using it because of a faulty component in the product’s design, you should note that in your claim.
- If You Were Not Aware That It Was Defective When You Purchased It
Being unaware of a product’s defect is an important exception to filing your claim within 2 years of purchasing or first using the defective product, so long as you didn’t know about its potential dangers until much later down the road.
- During Any Time Between When The Product Is Introduced into Commerce and 10 Years After Purchasing or First Using It
There are several different types of defective products on the market that have a proven record of causing injury, and because of this, there is a legal exception for filing a claim against the manufacturer or seller of an unsafe product after 10 years have passed since your purchase date.
If you believe you were injured as a result of a defective product, call the experienced Philadelphia Defective Product Attorneys at Quinn Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation. We will sit down with you to explain your legal rights and guide you in making the right decision for your future. Don’t fight large corporations alone. Let the capable attorneys at Quinn Injury Lawyers negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for your defective product injury or illness.
“Sean is a trial attorney who holds himself to the highest standards for every case and client he works for. I have experience working with hundreds of lawyers and Sean goes above and beyond normal expectations. Clients are lucky to have someone as dedicated and talented as Sean to represent them in court.”
CJ Ray
Trial Technologies